I noticed the motors on the CNC were getting a bit warm after a few hours. Not too bad but uncomfortable to touch for more than a few seconds….

I ordered a bunch of 60mm X 60mm X 10mm heatsinks off ebay and got a bag of 4in clamps from Lowes.

I just had to mill clearance for the motor wires and for the spindle fan. I started with the spindle since that’s the hardest to do.

I just cutoff the center fins. I was tempted to mount it vertically and mill a curve that matched the fan diameter but that’s too much effort for me.

A quick test fit with the spindle all the way up and it looks good.

The wire slots were easy. Then a shot of paint and they’re done.

I clamped it up temporarily while a bent the hose clamps into a matching square shape.

The end result is pretty good.

I used a dab of heatsink grease on each one.

Yes, I used a saw blade for a squeegee….

I removed one to be sure I had good contact with the motor.

Two down and one to go.

And the last one…

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